
Everything feels pointless...

“I just feel so down all the time…”

Everyone knows what sadness feels like - the feeling of being away from loved ones on an important holiday, the grief of losing a pet, or the ache that accompanies a break-up. But, if you’ve experienced depression you know that it’s so much more than just sadness. It’s a fog that seeps in and slowly permeates every corner of your life. It may start as sadness. But as it creeps in, it begins to inhibit your energy, your happiness, your motivation. Before you’re even fully aware of it, you find yourself struggling to get out of bed in the mornings, get your work done, or take care of errands and chores. You may want to sleep all the time or find some way to escape from the world. Nothing seems to bring you joy or pleasure anymore. Even eating or taking a shower feels like a chore. Everything starts to feel just kind of grey.

Some common struggles related to depression

  • Sadness, tearfulness, or hopelessness

  • Anger or irritability over seemingly small matters

  • Loss of pleasure in activities

  • Sleep problems (can be too much or too little)

  • Fatigue or lack of energy

  • Appetite changes (can be increased or decreased)

  • Feelings of restlessness or agitation

  • Trouble thinking, concentrating, or making decisions

  • Frequent thoughts about death or suicide

  • Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) or Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)

The path back to joy.

If you’re feeling down, depressed, or hopeless, know that your life doesn’t have to feel like this anymore. There is a way back to participating in and enjoying your life. When I work with those experiencing depression, we often start by looking at the root causes of the depression. If there is a specific event that the depression stemmed from, it can be helpful to make meaning of this event. We will work to incorporate this event into your story and learn ways to cope with it, so that you don’t have to stay stuck there. While we are tackling this, we will also work on practical skills to help you slowly find your way out of the dark place that you’re in. Often this looks like making incremental adjustments to the ways you engage with life including behavior activation, thought challenging, positive activities scheduling, and healthy routine changes. Like many things in life, there is no quick fix to instantly relieve your depression. But, we will definitely get you headed in the right direction from the first few times that we meet. You will gradually and increasingly feel better until depression seems like only a distant memory.

If you’re ready to find joy in your life, let’s get started.