The best gift you can give to yourself is to invest in yourself.

Pooja Agnihortri


  • Individual counseling (50 min): $110

  • Couples counseling (50 min): $130

  • Relaxation & Mindfulness therapy (50 min): $110


Payment is due at the time of service.  I accept credit card, cash, and check.  I also accept Flexible Savings Account (FSA) and Health Savings Account (HSA) cards as payment.



I am an out-of-network therapist with most major insurance providers. This means that I can provide documentation (called a superbill) for out-of-network insurance reimbursement once your session has been paid for. If you are interested in this payment option, you should reach out to your insurance provider in advance to confirm their process and reimbursement rates for accepting superbills. Most clients receive 50 to 80% reimbursement. For more information on how this process works, see this article What is a Superbill and How is it used for Therapy?

If you prefer to avoid using your insurance, here are some potential benefits to not involving your insurance provider in your therapy:

  • You won’t have a diagnosis label added to your health record.

  • Your therapy information and records cannot be obtained by your insurance company.

  • The length and quality of your care is not determined by your insurance company. Instead, your therapist is able to work with you to determine how many and what kind of sessions you need.

  • Your therapist has more quality time to devote to their clinical work with you in lieu of the time that they would spend on insurance documentation and billing.  

If you’re ready to get started, get in touch or book now via my online scheduler.